$1,698 raised$7,500 goal

Donate to the The Period Poverty Campaign in Northern India

We need your help to I recently returned from Northern India where my family runs ‘Project Help India’. We educate over 350 children and run various other community projects. Project Help India has been operating for 10 years and this is something that I am very passionate about. Our SHINE Women’s Empowerment Conference is just one of the various things that we do. Fighting ‘Period Poverty’ is another aspect of our work to support and care for women, especially the Dalits who live in the slums. While in India I had the privilege to sit with some of the teachers at Project Help and talk about some of the effects of Period Poverty. I got so excited by the end of the conversation, as you may have noticed because I realised that it only would cost $17 AUD a year to sponsor a person for a year’s worth of pads. our wards and clinic open.

What is Period Poverty?

Period Poverty refers to when menstrual products cannot be accessed due to financial constraints. However, stigma, lack of education like myths and misinformation, hygiene and therefore running water, managing waste disposal may also play a part. This can cause social, economic, physiological hardship, discrimination and shame, stigma and taboo. It also means that children and young girls may leave school and therefore it can affect their future and that of their families. Period Poverty is happening all over the world and not just in very poor communities.

Project Help is a registered Indian NGO and donations are tax deductible in Australia. Many women are from the slums and earn less than $2 AUD a day.

I am excited because I have a plan and need your help. Next year at our SHINE Conference I am hoping to sponsor 700 woman for the next 5 years. This would mean that the cost would be $100AUD (which is approximately $63 USD or 5191 rupees). For this amount girls will receive a period starter pack, which will include some pads, information about menstruation and a book in Hindi from Menstrupedia about periods along with 2 packets of menstrual pads that will be distributed each month.

Period Poverty is a global issue and we can all make a difference.
Thank you for your generous donation.

Donate to The Period Poverty Campaign in Northern India


Stevie Roach donated


Nicolette Ridley donated

"I hope this helps! I’m sorry it’s not much I’ll do more when I can and am asking all my friends ! Xx"


Stevie Roach donated


Nicolette Ridley donated

"I hope this helps! I’m sorry it’s not much I’ll do more when I can and am asking all my friends ! Xx"

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